In profile: GoBubble's chief marketing officer John Lloyd

Published: September 25, 2020

John Lloyd is a financial markets fintech veteran, leading global marketing at foreign exchange trading platform Traiana, which was sold to ICAP for US$247mn over a decade ago. Now, personal tragedy and a keen desire to help others has seen him move away from finance and into education technology with the child-focused digital community platform GoBubble.

Lloyd joined London’s GoBubble as chief marketing officer in April this year, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic’s heaviest assault on the West. With Covid-19 came the economic shutdown of entire countries, and school children across Europe and the US have found themselves out of the classroom for months on end in the middle of the academic year.

Child friendly social network GoBubble was there to give children a chance to stay in touch with their friends.

“It’s really gone gangbusters,” said Lloyd, a gregarious Floridian who exudes the boundless cheery optimism that is so commonplace among doyens of the fintech sector.

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