Republic reopens 2043s, attracting US$4.5bn in new orders.

15 February 2025
Republic reopens 2043s, attracting US$4.5bn in new orders.
Country secures US$865mn to develop rail infrastructure.
Sovereign raises €1bn in seven-year paper priced with a 2.25% coupon.
Sovereign sees more than US$6bn of orders for 30-year issuance.
US$1bn deal prices at 8.125% – below target range, but still expensive.
Kingdom will meet investors next week ahead of possible benchmark deal.
The country's outgoing finance minister on the recent eurobond, the banking crisis and the future of the economy.
EUR1.16bn order book allows republic to borrow with its lowest yield yet.
Debt management agency and central bank reps will meet investors in Europe and US next week.