Slovenia takes Council helm as inflation lurks in Europe

Published: July 15, 2021

Slovenia will take over the presidency of the influential Council of the European Union from the first of July, with the country’s minister of finance convinced that the sharp rises in inflation that threaten to shake up the European bond markets are transitory.

Slovenia will take over the presidency of the influential Council of the European Union from the first of July, with the country’s minister of finance convinced that the sharp rises in inflation that threaten to shake up the European bond markets are transitory.

Slovenia’s presidency of the Council will run for six months, taking over from Portugal. The Council’s job is to negotiate and adopt new EU laws, coordinate policy including foreign and security, come to agreements between the EU and other international figures and adopt the annual budget alongside the European Parliament. 

It’s the second time the country has held the position – the last time being in the first six months of 2008. This means that both times Slovenia has been president of the Council, Europe has been emerging from a significant crisis, first, the global financial crisis in 2008 and, now, the coronavirus pandemic.

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