Published: May 2, 2019
RBI’s Yellowe joins Schuldschein platform fray
Raiffeisen Bank International has released its own digital platform for Schuldschein, amid a flurry of bank-backed electronic processing offerings being launched into the market.
RBI’s platform, called Yellowe, claims to be able to handle the entire Schuldschein issuing process digitally, including the preparation of the term sheet and loan agreement, inviting investors to the deal, bookbuild, allocation and preparing the subscription form.
Furthermore, the platform lets investors see an overview of their orders and investments at any time during the process.
“Schuldschein is a natural target for digital platforms because the market is booming, the process is relatively easy and the documents are relatively short,” Michael Bures, head of debt capital markets at RBI, told EMEA Finance. “Usually, you have several mediums that you would use – the data room, conference calls, emails – but on the platform you only have one medium. You can do everything from bookbuilding to negotiation of the contract on one platform.”