Islamic finance volumes fell off a cliff last year, but bankers are predicting a substantial increase in activity as more sovereigns from major Islamic finance hubs are turning to the international markets.
Sovereigns in the Middle East and Africa need to diversify their funding sources to replace their lost commodity revenues, and some may turn to Islamic finance in 2017.
A round-up of the winning banks, investment banks, brokers and asset managers from this year's EBA's.
The banking system in Cyprus was plunged into chaos at the beginning of the decade, but heavy restructuring and aggressively tackling non-performing loans is helping lead the country’s lenders out of the wilderness.
Slowing growth has undermined Sub-Saharan Africa’s attractiveness for banks and investors, but Mauritian banks are picking up a bigger share of a smaller business
After 12 days of intense debate world leaders succeeded in agreeing a new accord to tackle climate change.