
The singles club

The singles club

As the only EU economy not to fall into recession during the downturn, Poland’s performance is impressive. Eva-Luise Schwarz explores what went right – and what lies ahead.

Holding on

Holding on

Egypt has so far proven remarkably resilient in the face of the credit crunch. But it faces serious challenges in its near-term future, writes Julian Evans

Batman promises to clean up the streets

Batman promises to clean up the streets

The newly-elected prime minister of Bulgaria, a former bodyguard nick-named ‘Batman’, has promised to fight crime in Bulgaria and get the country back on track to EU accession, writes Philip De Leon.

Selling well, not selling out

Selling well, not selling out

In an extract from his new book, Stephen Green, the chairman of HSBC, and an ordained priest of the Church of England, gives advice to young bankers and other seekers after truth on how to live and work in the global bazaar without losing one’s soul.

Call Waiting

Call Waiting

While M&A has been slow so far in the EMEA region, one area where it’s beginning to show signs of life is in the telecoms sector.

The party's over... now for the after-party

The party's over... now for the after-party

The good times seem to be here again, with many investment banks reporting record profits. But it is far from business as usual, with the competitive landscape rapidly changing, and the emerging market fee pot shrinking, reports Julian Evans.

He came, he spoke. He conquered?

He came, he spoke. He conquered?

President Obama’s speech in Cairo University in early June has been hailed as a milestone in the US’s relations with the Middle East. Here, we present edited highlights of the speech, and some reactions to it in the west, Israel, and the Muslim world.