Mobile banking solutions and payments lifting the poorest out of poverty
Middle East
Sub-Saharan Africa’s largest independent power plant; a record loan for Ethiopia; and news on brief on projects in Jordan and Georgia
Ecobank Nigeria seals its first syndicated loan; plus deals from MOL, TBC Bank and Santander.
Islamic banking; GEMS Education’s new investors; regional risk management; plus more.
Reports on corporate Ukraine and a groundbreaking energy project in Turkey.
New appointments at BCS Prime Brokerage, Societe Generale, Paul Hastings and more.
New bond contract terms could help to prevent a repeat of Argentina’s debt restructuring debacle.
We bring you our choices for the best-performing financial-services players across the region.
Investment bankers discuss the dealmaking trends they expect to dominate the coming year.
As MENA stock markets open up, foreign investors get ready to roll the dice. Rod James reports.
Players from across the green bond market discuss its rapid development.
The government's Vision 2030 could create a stronger financial market. Rod James reports.